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What is WIC and How do I Apply for WIC in Maine?

Updated: May 2, 2023

WIC is a federal program that provides nutritional support and resources for low-income women, infants and children. WIC resources include nutritional foods, formula, nutrition education and counseling, breastfeeding support, and referrals to other health and welfare services.

Here is more about the Maine WIC Program, who is eligible, and how to apply for support.

What is WIC Maine?

Every state has a dedicated WIC program. The Maine WIC program supplies resources to women, infants and children, across all Maine counties, who are at nutritional risk due to low-income or other reasons. Through WIC programs you can get:

  • Supplemental nutritious foods

  • Infant formula

  • A weekly stipend that can be used at grocery stores and markets

  • Breastfeeding support and supplies

  • Nutrition education and counseling

  • Screening and referrals for health and welfare services

Who is Eligible for Support Through the Maine WIC Program?

The WIC nutrition program targets support for women who are pregnant or postpartum, plus their children ages 0-5.

Eligibility for nutritional support depends on the following factors:

  • Applicants must live in Maine.

  • Women who apply must be pregnant, breastfeeding, or had a baby in the last six months.

  • Infants and children (including adopted and foster) must be between 0-5 years old.

  • Fathers, non-birthing parents, or guardians may apply for their children.

  • Individuals who are certified as eligible for MaineCare, TANF or SNAP are considered automatically income-eligible for WIC.

  • Income guidelines for WIC support are posted on the WIC Maine eligibility page. They change from year to year.

How do I get WIC Support?

Applying for WIC support is easy. Call your local WIC office to set up an initial appointment. You will need to bring your children and supporting documentation (like proof of address, and income statements) to the meeting.

Find your local WIC office here.

Take this prescreening questionnaire to assess your eligibility before applying to the WIC nutrition program.

What Benefits Does Maine WIC Food Provide?

The Maine WIC program provides nutritional support in many ways depending on your family’s needs.

WIC Foods

Food benefits are granted to participants via an eWIC card which can be used to purchase specific foods each month. Including the following:

  • Grocery store items like cereal, juice, eggs, milk, cheese, canned food, baby food, and more.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables at many Maine farmers markets.

  • Infant formula.

WIC Breastfeeding Support

The WIC program supports breastfeeding and chestfeeding for infants up to six months. Benefits include:

  • Breastfeeding counseling.

  • Supplies like breast pumps and enhanced food support for nursing parents.

WIC Referrals

WIC benefits go beyond just nutrition and breastfeeding support. The WIC staff can connect you with helpful resources in your community to meet your family's needs. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Dental services

  • Healthcare providers

  • Maine Families

  • Head Start

  • Heating assistance

  • DHHS programs

See the official Maine WIC Nutrition Program site for more details.

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